Tooth Extractions

1. Tooth Extractions:

Cosmodont Dentistry understands that tooth extractions can be a daunting experience. Our team of oral surgeons employs advanced techniques and sedation options to ensure a comfortable and pain-free procedure. Whether you have a severely damaged tooth, impacted wisdom teeth, or overcrowded teeth, Our experts will assess your condition and recommend the most appropriate extraction method. Cosmodont Dentistry prioritizes your comfort and safety throughout the process, providing personalized care and post-operative guidance for a smooth recovery.

2. Dental Implants:

For patients with missing teeth, Cosmodont Dentistry offers state-of-the-art dental implant solutions. Dental implants are the gold standard in tooth replacement, providing a permanent and natural-looking solution that mimics the appearance and functionality of natural teeth. Cosmodont Dentistry’s oral surgeons have extensive experience in dental implant placement, utilizing advanced technologies and techniques to ensure precise and successful outcomes. From the initial implant placement to the final restoration, Cosmodont Dentistry offers comprehensive dental implant services tailored to meet your unique needs.

3. Corrective Jaw Surgery:

Cosmodont Dentistry specializes in corrective jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery. This procedure is designed to correct jawbone and misaligned bites irregularities, improving both function and aesthetics. Whether you have an overbite, underbite, or asymmetrical jaw, the skilled oral surgeons at Cosmodont Dentistry will develop a personalized treatment plan to address your specific concerns. Through meticulous planning and the utilization of advanced 3D imaging, Cosmodont Dentistry ensures precise surgical outcomes, leading to improved jaw function, facial harmony, and overall oral health.

4. Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders:

TMJ disorders can cause significant discomfort, pain, and restricted jaw movement. At Cosmodont Dentistry, Our oral surgeons are highly experienced in effectively diagnosing and treating TMJ disorders. Combining Our expertise with the latest advancements in oral surgery, they offer a range of treatment options tailored to relieve your TMJ symptoms. Cosmodont Dentistry provides comprehensive care to alleviate your TMJ-related discomfort and enhance your quality of life from conservative approaches like oral splints and physiotherapy to surgical interventions when necessary.
Emergency Dentist

5. Other Oral Surgery Services:

In addition to the aforementioned procedures, Cosmodont Dentistry offers a wide array of other oral surgery services. These include but are not limited to pre-prosthetic surgery, bone grafting, sinus lifts, and soft tissue grafting. With Our commitment to staying at the forefront of dental advancements, the oral surgeons at Cosmodont Dentistry ensure that patients receive the highest quality of care and access to the latest techniques for optimal results.

How can we help?

When it comes to oral surgery services in Toronto, Cosmodont Dentistry is a trusted destination for exceptional care and outstanding results. Our team of skilled oral surgeons, our state-of-the-art facilities, and a patient-centric approach ensure a comfortable and successful oral surgery experience. Whether you require tooth extractions, dental implants, corrective jaw surgery, or treatment for TMJ disorders, Cosmodont Dentistry is committed to providing personalized treatment plans to address your specific needs. With a focus on patient comfort and safety, Cosmodont Dentistry utilizes advanced technologies and techniques to deliver precise surgical outcomes and enhance oral health and overall well-being.
Furthermore, Cosmodont Dentistry prides itself on creating a warm and welcoming patient environment. The friendly and knowledgeable staff are dedicated to providing exceptional patient care, ensuring you feel at ease throughout your oral surgery journey. From the initial consultation to post-operative follow-ups, Our team will guide you every step of the way, answering any questions or concerns you may have.

Contact us.

Cosmodont Dentistry understands the importance of continuous education and staying abreast of the latest advancements in oral surgery. Our oral surgeons regularly participate in professional development programs and attend conferences, ensuring they have the most up-to-date knowledge and skills to deliver the highest standard of care.
Patient satisfaction is of utmost importance to Cosmodont Dentistry. They take pride in the success stories and positive testimonials from patients who have undergone oral surgery procedures at Our clinic. The transformative results and improved quality of life experienced by these individuals are a testament to the expertise and dedication of the oral surgery team at Cosmodont Dentistry.

If you are in need of oral surgery services in Toronto, Cosmodont Dentistry is the go-to destination for comprehensive and personalized care. With Our commitment to excellence, advanced techniques, and patient-centred approach, they are dedicated to helping you achieve a healthy, functional, and beautiful smile. Schedule a consultation with Our experienced oral surgeons today and take the first step towards enhancing your oral health and regaining your confidence. Trust Cosmodont Dentistry for all your oral surgery needs in Toronto.